
Mr. Kawamura is from a Japanese trading company. Starting from April 2020 to participate in the online Chinese course of BC Mandarin School at a very beginner level. By August 2020, it took only 4 months to pass HSK6 exam! Congratulations to this student who has achieved such excellent results efficiently, and congratulations to him for his successful completion of the BC Mandarin School!


Last time, we have introduced that Mr. Kawamura usually learns through various channels. He concentrates on learning 5 lessons in online class every day. After class, he often interacts with the teacher to practice and consolidate his knowledge of Chinese. For example, teachers and students sing Chinese songs, and learn to use Chinese apps.


There is also a special learning method that exercises the ability to express in Chinese-watching Chinese TV series. Mr. Kawamura not only discusses the plot with the teacher, but is also good at summing up the characters' characteristics and expressing his own opinions.





The above is an excerpt from the drama "Nothing But Thirty

" by Mr. Kawamura himself. It can be seen that he can flexibly use the idioms and popular words he has learned, such as "经不起……诱惑Can't stand up to temptations”, “后悔莫及regrets”, and “祸不单行misfortunes never come singly". All are Chinese Commonly used expressions. In his speech, he also compared the idiom "后会有期We will meet again." with the line "后会无期Never Meet Again" in the play. This word can fully reflect the protagonist's determined attitude and deepen his understanding of these two words.


During the months of Chinese learning, Mr. Kawamura was also very willing to share the living habits of the Japanese, and he was good at comparing the past and the present, China and Japan. For example, the diet instructions……




This is the introduction of Kobe beef……



It can be seen from the presentation of these speech assignments that Mr. Kawamura’s ability to express in paragraphs and the practical use of advanced vocabulary has become increasingly mature. Although there is no face-to-face communication, the online classroom can also meet the established oral expression standards, and even exceed the expected learning effect.


The study of the HSK test is also inseparable from Mr. Kawamura’s hard work. He has strong self-study ability and a high degree of self-discipline. The teacher can quickly understand and draw inferences after giving instructions.




Mr. Kawamura has set a good example of efficient learning for Chinese learners. BC Mandarin School wishes him all the best and every success in his future work!