
Before the summer vacation, many students completed the HSK test. Now let's share some high score transcripts.

A girl from the United States got a score of 284 in HSK level 6! Both listening and reading are 98 points. Now the questions are getting more and more flexible. Sometimes the Chinese will get wrong answers even if they don't pay attention. A writing score of 88 is also very high, which is basically close to the writing level of a native speaker.


It can be seen from the score analysis report that the global average score of this exam is 197 points. In fact, the test she took before coming to study has completely passed the HSK6 score of 180, but she asked for a high score, so she practiced writing and took mock exams under the arrangement of the teacher many times, and the teacher explained the wrong questions immediately. It is in this way that students study efficiently and have a firm grasp of examination skills.



Kati, an international student from Tonga, also got a surprise in HSK5. She scored 253 points, of which she got a high score of 97 in listening. As a foreigner who is a non-native language learner, she is quite good.


In class, the teacher talked about every option for the students’ weaknesses. The students not only did this question, but also learned all the relevant knowledge points, such as fixed collocations, applicable scenarios, and synonyms and antonyms. This learning method makes test preparation more efficient.


At the beginning of the study, Kati students tried the newly developed online mock test of BC Mandarin School. The score was higher than the score line but it was still in the "dangerous" zone. After less than 2 months of study, her score far exceeded the passing line.

There is no end to learning. Kati has already started to prepare for HSK6 and will continue to learn HSKK and BCT in the future. She said that she hopes to use Chinese to improve her competitiveness in the workplace and find a satisfactory job in the future.

All the teachers of BC Mandarin School are gratified for the excellent results of the students, and wish the students a successful academic and a bright future!